💡 Each time we stop sending emails for a week, we see engagement increase (more likes, more answers to emails, etc.). Also, many people are unsubscribing because they don’t find time to read our content or feel guilty about not reading everything. Here are some testimonials:
”Beaucoup trop de contenu et pas assez de temps”
“Beaucoup trop d’e-mails — c’était déjà compliqué à suivre 1x/semaine.”
“J’étais noyé dans la masse d’infos. J’ai de moins en moins de temps pour lire les newsletters.”
Decreasing the flow of content (or enhancing our formats) could increase engagement and retention and, therefore, revenues.
I believe we have a few straightforward but counter-intuitive solutions in front of us even before talking about future features of our media platform built to decrease infobesity:
- Sending less e-mails
- Sending shorter e-mails
- By improving the structure of our emails, we can make our content more accessible and engaging.
- Push people to unsubscribe.
- Other ideas
Sending less e-mails
Before the migration
- We stop sending a preview of the Report to free users each week → just once a month, the last Sunday.
💡 We will also add a preview of the best Snowball+ newsletter to this edition.
- We decrease Snowball Bourse from 4 to 2 monthly (but add Mathieu’s short weekly market analysis to the Sunday’s Report?).
- We decrease Snowball Crypto from 4 to 2 per month ((but add tx and Gustave’s short weekly market analysis to the Sunday’s Report?).
- We regroup some newsletters together if possible (need to check, for instance how many people are subscribed to Lego + Grand cru. If it’s more than 80 %, then it’s not a problem)
- Snowball Alts → Lego + Grand cru.
- Snowball xxx → Budget + La bonne paye.
- Snowball Thérapie → Couple + Thérapie
After the migration (just an idea)
- We regroup some newsletters together and allow users to pick the topics they’d like to receive in their inbox (for instance, if you subscribe to Snowball Alts and you’re only interested in reading about Lego, you will receive only the “block” about Lego):
- Snowball Alts → Lego + Grand cru.
- Snowball xxx → Budget + La bonne paye.
- Snowball Thérapie → Couple + Thérapie
The idea is to send only shorter versions to encourage the most interested users to read the rest online (see the following section).
Sending shorter e-mails and improving the structure of our emails